Published papers


1. Aurelia Apetrei, Andrei Ciucă, Jong-kook Lee, Chang Ho Seo, Yoonkyung Park, Tudor Luchian, A Protein Nanopore-Based Approach for Bacteria Sensing, 2016, Nanoscale Research Letters 11:501 (Springer Open - NANO EXPRESS Open Access)

2. Alina Asandei, Irina Şchiopu, Mauro Chinappi, Chang Ho Seo, Yoonkyung Park, Tudor Luchian, Electroosmotic Trap Against the Electrophoretic Force Near a Protein Nanopore Reveals Peptide Dynamics During Capture and Translocation, 2016, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8(20), 13166 - 13179


3. Alina AsandeiAndrei Ciucă, Aurelia Apetrei, Irina Şchiopu, Loredana Mereuță, Chang Ho Seo, Yoonkyung Park, Tudor Luchian, Nanoscale Investigation of Generation 1 PAMAM Dendrimers Interaction with a Protein Nanopore, 2017, Scientific Reports 7:6167


International patent proposal: (PN 16462)

Yoonkyung Park, Tudor Luchian, Aurelia Apetrei, Andrei Ciucă, 'Bacteria detection in aqueous samples containing α-hemolysin protein and antimicrobial peptides. Sensor and method for detecting bacteria in an aqueous sample using the sensor', submitted to Korean Intellectual Property Office.