Available resources and infrastructure

· Complete electophysiology set-ups (Molecular Devices, HEKA); Patch-clamp amplifiers, Keithley electrometers;

· FluoroMax-4 spectrofluorimeter Horiba Jobin-Yvon;

· Axiovert 40 CFL inverted epi-fluorescence microscope;

· UV-VIS spectrophotometer;

· Peltier temperature regulator; PIP 5 pipette puller; ultraprecise motor micromanipulator; nanoliter injector; perfusion system for lipid bilayers;

· Liposomes manufacturing items (sonicator, chromatography columns, waveform generators, Avanti Mini-Extruder);

· MPark SYSTEMS XE-100 Atomic Force Microscope with liquid cell with thermal control (ILX Lightwave LDT-5948 Precision Temperature Controller)

· Dried vacuum pumps (Agilent Technologies SH-110 Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump); Turbomolecular vacuum pump; Vacuum components (pressure monitor VARIAN RGC-100, valves, flanges, etc)

· Tektronix DPO2024B Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope

· MBRAUN Glove Box GB 2202-P-D

· inverted confocal microscope Nikon Eclipse Ti-E equipped with TI-TIRF Illumination Unit, LU4 4 Laser Module with AOTF: 408 nm, 457-514 nm, 561nm; Andor iXon Camera CCD Du-860E; ACC-XW-CHIL-160 Oasis 160 Ultra compact chiller unit; GW Instek GFG-8250A Function Generator 5MHz


Equipment purchased from the project budget


· Diode Laser system 642 nm compatible with the inverted confocal microscope Nikon Eclipse Ti-E

· Software Nikon NisE-Ar compatible with the inverted confocal microscope Nikon Eclipse Ti-E